A well-stocked daycare relies on practical tools to keep everything running efficiently. From cleaning and storage to everyday tasks, having the right supplies ensures that caregivers can focus on what matters most—caring for the children in a safe and organized environment.
This gift includes a bucket, a multipurpose tool essential for cleaning, carrying water, or organizing supplies. The corbeille pour drap provides a designated place for storing linens, keeping the daycare tidy and functional. An empty water gallon makes it easy to transport and store water for various daily needs.
Sourced from businesses in Haiti, these items not only fulfill essential functions but also contribute to strengthening the local economy. By equipping the daycare with these necessary tools, this gift helps create a well-maintained, efficient space where children can thrive.
This gift provides:
Bucket (Purchased in Haiti)
Corbeille pour drap (Purchased in Haiti)
Empty Water Gallon (Purchased in Haiti)
Creates a Job in Haiti
Most Needed